Black Owned - Black Manufactured

Breuck's Watchlist

This doc show the amount of homeless white children were shipped off the white families to assimilate.

The concept for this show was AMAZING black billionar scientist! This is right up my alley but the show overwhelming with agendas. It shows too much for network tv. And they were markiting this to our teens.

This was THE BEST MOVIE i've seen in a long time! Yes they had to ad a smal agenda piece with the brother but it they didnt let it overrun the film. I found it soo interesting that Issa played the part of a buck dancing writer that called out buck danceing writing. Did she know that role IS HER! Moving on, the award acceptance speaches for this film were equally as amazing.

The Black Sherrif did a great job showing the humanity of the prisoner. I did notice the gaurds allowed the non black men to keep thier contraband in the intial sweep.

The Cabazon connectection was a mindblower for me . I've shopped at Cabazon seen the casinos and etc. 

The New York innovator in forensic science died sept 11.

This doc tells the truth with proof regaurding the canabalism the took place in the new world before FBA built America.
PBS- Amazon Prime

The black womn character didnt actually exhist but the comment about the cia made in s01e03 2 min in. When the CIA want to flip someome they target 1 of four things.
Money- How much do they want?
Ideology- What do they belive in?
Coercion- What scares them?
Ego - What make them feel like a real big boy?


Outlander - Scotland Celtic
S01E01 6 mins in
Conversation about the origin of holidays
blood on the door post
S01E01 33:51 
stone carried there from africa
by giants
S01E08 46 mins
Monrose ( the new husbands friend) was capture by the Turks as sea. He was a slave in Algiers for many years. They cut out his tounge and put boiling oil on his legs to force christioan to convert.
BUCK BREAKING. THE British have been raping for years.

S03e11 20mins
Isle of Saint Domingo.  He talks of the maroons escaped slave that live in the forrest.

S04e02 slavery laws. Hanging 
S05e01 burn crosses at war. Sending a sigh throughout the lands of his clan